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Downton Abbey. Season 1 Episode 6. Answers.


  1. Cora allowed Sybil to go to the Rally without letting Robert know.

  2. The theft was real this time, and not invented. Also, they are planning to say that they actually saw Bates taking the wine, so Bates’ accusing them in turn will sound suspicious.

  3. Carson received a letter from a friend of his, a butler to an aristocrat who heard the story from the Turkish embassy.

  4. Sybil says she wants to go to a charity meeting. Her excuse for not taking her sisters with her is that the meeting is boring for them.

  5. Violet receives the news from Lady Flincher, a relative and the wife of Lord Flincher who heard the story from the embassy.

  6. Thomas has several witnesses to confirm his testimony, so if Bates blames Thomas, it would sound like a false accusation.

  7. William’s parents, especially his mother, want him to have a career in service. Their boldest ambition would perhaps be for him to become a butler.

  8. William’s mother employed the hospital staff not to tell him she was ill. She probably doesn’t want him to get in trouble for asking for the time off to see her, or miss any opportunities. To go against her will would be breaking a patience’s confidence. Mary finally breaks the news to him, but says she heard it from someone in the village.

  9. Robert believes that Branson is a dangerous person due to the latter’s socialist views. Besides, he apparently can’t imagine why his daughter would suddenly take up liberal causes.

  10. Bates confesses that he was an alcoholic and spent some time in prison for theft. He does not mention the details. There are two reasons that might account for his confession. Firstly, he sees that Thomas and O’Brian are determined to get rid of him, and they might dig up his past. Secondly, he might be feeling remorse that Lord Grantham had taken him on with no knowledge of these ‘shameful’ events of his life. He feels that by keeping his secret further he is somehow ‘letting down’ the other people in the household, who trust and support him.

Why do these people say these things:

  1. Bates is letting Thomas know that he had seen him stealing.

  2. Cora does not believe that Sybil’s interest in politics will have serious consequences. Sybil is a beautiful girl and a well-mannered young lady, which is enough to marry well. Cora certainly cannot conceive of any other future for her girls. Mary, however, is in danger not only of not being able to marry, but of not being received anywhere. Therefore, she tries to persuade her husband to think of Mary’s issues first.

  3. O’Brian is suggesting another theft scam.

  4. Edith is certainly throwing herself at Anthony Straland.

  5. Daisy didn’t really see Bates, ‘may have seen’ means that she is repeating what Thomas told her.

  6. Sybil means that when things are looking good and everyone is happy, our involvement is not needed. It is serious and sad causes that must be dealt with.

  7. Anna is sure that Carson holds Bates in high regard. She believes that he will do his best to find out the truth.

  8. Gwen makes an interesting comparison of herself and Lady Sybil, which, by the way, shows her intelligence. She understands that it is easier for young people of the upper class to believe that everything is within their grasp, because they are, in fact, very powerful. She stresses that it is not the same for poorer people. Their dreams almost never come true, so they don’t see why they should believe in them.

  9. Cora told Robert previously that Edith might be the one to take care of them when they are old. She is clearly skeptical about Edith’s chances to find a husband. Robert is more positive, especially when he sees that Straland is interested in her.

  10. Mary is talking about herself. She has not lived up to her parents’ expectations and she has not made them proud.

  11. ‘An atmosphere’ means an atmosphere of distrust, suspicion and hatred.

  12. Branson is not a fanatic. He would not endanger anyone’s life for the sake of his political beliefs. He is also realistic about how cruel political struggle can be.

  13. The Duchess is saying that many brides and bridegrooms marry with a past behind.

Listening activity:

1. - I think Sybil is entitled to her opinions.

- No, not until she is married. Then her husband will tell her what her opinions are.

2. I doubt I would expect to curtsy to His Majesty in June when I’ve been arrested at a riot in May.

3. Sometimes even to deny these things is to throw parafin on flames.

4. You are always dosy, but tonight you’d make Sleeping Beauty look alert.

5. You have to stick up for him, because papa will skin him alive.

6. She discovered politics which, of course, makes papa see red.

7. My poor niece never uses one word when twenty will do.


The only discussion question which requires some clarification is about a ‘hung parliament’. This is a situation when no political party has an absolute majority in the parliament, and that is exactly what happened after the last UK elections.


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