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Can you understand these top 10 science jokes by Steven Hawking?

1. Listen to them on Youtube.

2. Read the script below.

3. If you are still not sure if you got the jokes, look at the tips.

  1. Two satellite antennas got married. The ceremony was only so-so, but the reception was fantastic.

2. Knock, knock. Who’s there?

- Molly.

- Molly who?

- Molecule.

3. Why does the noble gas always cry? - Because all his friends are gone.

4. A neutron walks into a bar and says, “How much for a drink?” The bartender says, “For you, no charge”.

5. Two atoms were walking across the road. The first one said, “Oh, no. I think I lost an electron.”The other one said, “Oh, no. Are you sure?” The first atom said, “Yes, I’m positive”.

6. What is a black hole?

- Something you get in a black sock.

7. What did Mars say to Saturn?

“Give me a ring sometime.”

8. Higg’s boson walks into a church. The priest says, “We don’t allow Higg’s bosons in here”. Higg’s boson says, “But without me you wouldn’t have mass”.

9. What does a sub-atomic duck say?

“Quark, quark.”

10. Why are books about anti-gravity such good reads?

- Because you can’t put them down.

Tips for better understanding:

1. The word ‘reception’ has quite a lot of meanings. I’m sure you have attended a wedding reception, or, at least, heard of them. Are you happy with the reception of your satellite antenna? Is the wi-fi signal strong enough everywhere in your house? If not, you might need to improve the reception.

2. The first part of ‘molecule’ is, in fact, pronounced similarly to ‘Molly”. Don’t forget that we spell ‘Molly’ with double ‘l’, but pronounce only one!

3. If you are not into physics or chemistry, you may need to google ‘noble gas’ and see if those gases have many “friends”, or substances they could interact with.

4. While some other particles may be positively or negatively charged, the neutron, is, in fact … yes, you’re right, neutrally charged.

5. ‘I’m positive” is one way of saying ‘I’m sure’. And I’m sure you know when an atom can be positive.

6. This seems to be self-explanatory.

7. Same as 6.

8. What is ‘mass’ in the Catholic church?

9. What is the difference between ‘quack’ and ‘quark’?

10. If you can’t put a book down, it’s probably gripping or exciting. If it’s an anti-gravity book, I guess you can’t put it down for a different reason.

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